New work for: COFOCO x Spuntino


Alona Vibe Photography restaurant Cofoco

new client

I recently added Cofoco to my client portfolio. As a great fan of Cofoco I'm obviously very happy to have started this work relation. 

Cofoco has 10 restaurants in Copenhagen with different cuisines. Everything from Italian to Japanese. In other words there is something for each taste.

The vision is to provide a big food experience for an affordable price, which has resulted in great menus and a lot of beautifully designed restaurants which at the same time feel both fancy and welcoming. 

These photos are from a relaxed afternoon session shooting the new menu at Spuntino





"Spuntino is like gathering the family or a bunch of good friends around a table in an Italian backyard on a summer evening. Under the many green leaves and atmospheric light bulbs you get lots of classic italian food. Mostly served family style."

Alona Vibe Photography restaurant Cofoco
Alona Vibe Photography restaurant Cofoco
Alona Vibe Photography restaurant Cofoco
Alona Vibe Photography restaurant Cofoco

Alona Vibe Photography Cofoco Spuntino
Alona Vibe Photography restaurant Cofoco Spuntino
Alona Vibe Photography restaurant Cofoco spuntino
First work for ADIDAS - #creators



Måske husker nogle at jeg med stor glæde var featured i en kampagne for i adidas NMD_Copenhagen sidste år. 

Da jeg lavede indlægget 2016 in review and 2017 wishes (som iøvrigt var en super fed proces) husker jeg tydeligt det store ønske om at lave mit første fotojob for adidas.

Af en eller anden grund fik jeg aldrig skrevet ønsket ned i posten. Jeg tror jeg blev ramt af en irrationel frygt for hvad andre måtte tænke (dumt, men ikke desto mindre sandt). Måske noget a la "wow, hun har lige lovligt høje tanke om sig selv og sin kunnen".  Bare dumt, jeg ved det godt. 

Hvorfor det måske føles ekstra stort at jeg for et par uger siden lavede mit første job for adidas! 




Some might remember that in the beginning of 2016 my face was featured in the launch campaign for adidas NMD_Copenhagen. It was a big thing for me.

When I wrote the post 2016 in review and 2017 wishes I remember I wanted to put down in words that I hoped that 2017 would be the year where I pulled off my first photo gig for adidas.

For some reason I didn't dare to manifest this wish in the post. I'm not sure why but I guess I was struck by a fear for what people would think.. something like:  "wow, she has big thoughts about herself".

Why it feels really big that I did my first job for adidas a couple of weeks ago!  





Opgaven bestod af portrætter og actions shots af en gruppe af dejlige damer, som træner sammen hver mandag. For at være fuldkommen ærlig er det tæt på definitionen på den ideelle førstegangsopgave. Det er ingen hemmelighed at jeg er den største sucker for portraits (og så endda af seje og fotogene kvinder).  



The shoot consisted of portraits and actions shots of a group of lovely ladies who are working out together every monday. To be perfectly honest it was the definition of the ideal first time assignment for me. Such a sucker for portraits of cool women.  

Alona Vibe Photography Adidas creators Adidas women ANYA
alona vibe photography adidas women Tamara


Hvorfor skriver jeg ikke blot  "new work for adidas" og lader billederne tale for sig selv. Det ville være fuldkommen tilstrækkeligt.

Der er mange årsager, men en af dem er at åbne op på ærlig vis om de forskellige følelser, så som nervøsitet og usikkerhed, der er forbundet med at arbejde med noget, som har stor betydning for en. Her på den anden side hvor jeg har opnået mit mål og med stolthed, kan det gøre mig helt skamfuld, at min usikkerhed gjorde, at jeg ikke turde sige mit ønske højt. Mest af alt fordi jeg siden har lært at der findes en enorm kraft i at turde manifestere sine ønsker og gøre sig fri af irrationel bekymring om andre menneskers dårlige tanker om en. Jeg mener at vi alle bør tænke stort og tro på vores eget potentiale og muligheder for at opnå vores mål. Ligegyldig hvilke mål i livet det måtte være. Og jeg tror ligeså på at folk som udgangspunkt vil hinanden det bedste - så den irrationelle frygt må ikke blive en hindring for at vi går efter vores drømme. 



Why don't I just write  "new work for adidas" and let the pictures speak for themselves. It would have been perfectly sufficient. There are many reasons, but one of them is the aim to of being open and honest about the various emotions, such as nervousness and insecurity, connected to working with something that is of major importance to one. Now where I reached my goal and with pride, it makes me feel ashamed that my insecurity caught up with me and I didn't dare to say my wish out loud. Mostly, because I have since learned that there is an enormous power in daring to manifest wishes and goals. Which also means freeing one from having irrational concerns about other people's thoughts. I firmly believe that we all should think big and believe in our own potential and opportunities to achieve our goals. No matter what goals in life it may be. There is no shame in that and this practise is loaded with agency. Also I choose to believe that people want each other the best and thinking otherwise shouldn't be an obstacle for our dreams