Photoworkshop for Samsung #note8

Danish /

I fredags havde jeg en begivenhedsrig arbejdsdag i min lille enmandsvirksomhed. 

Ankomst + urolige nerver

Kl. 13.45 forsøgte jeg lettere forpustet (og unødigt sent på den) at finde elevatoren til øverste etage i de nye Axel Towers. Der i de højere luftlag, på den nyåbnede TRIO sky bar & restaurant, skulle jeg og ven / kollega Allan Torp fra Bungalow5dk, agere hosts og afholde en fotoworkshop for Samsung for en håndfuld inviterede mennesker (primært influencere og magasiner). Workshoppen var i forbindelse med Samsungs lancering af deres nyeste smartphone Galaxy Note8, som både jeg og Allan havde fået i hænderne et par uger forinden. På en og samme tid føltes det som en hjemmevant opgave og en angstprovokerende præstation jeg havde sagt ja til. Jeg er ikke fuldkommen sikker på hvorfor. I gennem min uddannelsestid har jeg jo holdt et utal af præsentationer, men måske det er første gang jeg har været en såkaldt host og facilitator af en workshop for en kommerciel kunde.  Fordi jeg denne gang var en anden type af afsender. Eller blot fordi det var vaske ægte 'førstegangs-oplevelse'.  

Men som gæsterne ankom og fandt et sted at sidde blandt blomster, brød med saltet smør, østers og jomfruhummer, så indfandt roen sig i mig og i det fine lokale med udsigt til rådhustårnet. Og det var simpelthen så fin en oplevelse. 

English /

This Friday I had an eventful work day in my little one-woman business.

Arrival + nerves

At 13.45pm I arrived a bit out of breath (and unnecessarily late) and had troubles with finding the elevator that would take me to the last floor at the Axel Towers. At the just opened TRIO sky bar & restaurant, my friend / colleaque Allan Torp from Bungalow5dk and I, were to host a photo workshop for Samsung for a handful of invited people (primarily influencers and magazines). The workshop was in conjunction with Samsung's launch of their latest smartphone Galaxy Note8, which both I and Allan had tried out for a couple of weeks prior. At one and the same time I found myself feeling calm and nervous about this task. I'm not completely sure why. Throughout my education I've held many presentations, but it might be the fact that it was the first time I've been a host and facilitator of a workshop for a commercial client. Maybe the new role or just the fact that it was a first-time experience.

As the guests arrived to the room that had a unseen view to the city hall and found a place to sit among the flowers, bread and salted butter, oysters and lobster, the calm found me. And it was simply such a nice experience.

Pics Note8

Pics Note8

Samsung note8 Alona Vibe photography

Danish /

Arbejdet med Samsung

Både Samsung og jeg selv har lagt vægt på at omdrejningspunktet for workshoppen ikke var at overbevise en række gæster til at konvertere til Samsungs Note8. Men nærmere at skabe en opmærksomhed og en hands on oplevelse. Min del af workshoppen bestod af en gennemgang af kameraet og de mest gavnlige funktioner set fra en fotografs perspektiv. Jeg synes jobbet var interessant fordi Samsung er en stor og vigtigt spiller i den teknologiske innovation og af en mere lavpraktisk årsag som at min telefon er et vigtigt værktøj i fotografiarbejdet og det derfor vigtigt for mig udforske hvad der leverer bedst ift behov.

Arbejdet med note8 har for mig (som iPhone bruger) være præget af en teknologisk nysgerrighed og vagt en indre diskussion om hvilken produkter jeg vælger at bruge. Bruger jeg et produkt pga produktets funktionalitet, brandet eller måske et spørgsmål om kompatibilitet og nemhed? Det er helt sikkert en blanding af det hele. Qua mit studie (Digital Innovation og Ledelse) finder jeg netop refleksioner enormt interessante. 

Tak til Samsung, RelationsPeople, Bungalow5dk og de fremødte for en dejlig eftermiddag! 

English / 

Working with Samsung

Both Samsung and myself have emphasized that the focal point of the workshop was not to convince anyone to convert to Samsung's Note8. But more create awareness and provide a hands on experience. My part of the workshop concerned the camera and the features that I found beneficial coming from a photographers point of view. I found the job offer interesting because Samsung is a big and important player in technological innovation and for a more low key reason that my phone is an important tool in my work, why it's important for me to explore what better meet needs.

The work with note8 has for me (as an iPhone user) been characterized by a technological curiosity and sparked a discussion about which products I choose to use. Do I use a product due to the functionality of the product, the brand or perhaps a matter of compatibility and convenience? It's definitely a mix of it all. Due to my master program (Digital Innovation and Management), I find these reflections very interesting.

Thanks to Samsung, RelationsPeople, Bungalow5dk and to the participants for a nice afternoon! It was indeed a pleasant first-timer. 


Not Sponsored

Notem Studio


This morning I was invited to breakfast and launch of the new stationary / paper goodsbrand, NOTEM Studio, at a habour front in Nordhavn. It happens rarely that I end up sharing photos from an event in this journal, but today is an exception.

NOTEM Studio creates beautiful and functional products rooted in the Scandinavian design tradition. It's products that make you want to drop whatever smart digital tool you are using and enjoy the slower pace and the tactile sensation of using paper.

The reason why I write this is because of the founder Signe Birkvig. I have met Signe once before, but never with a real handshake. I said yes to the invitation because she is good at her craft. What motivated me to write was her welcoming speech to the attendees. As she spoke to us next to the water, with her products displayed around the venue, her voice was real and quivering. She was moved by the launch and excused herself.


Alona Vibe  Notem Stationary
Alona Vibe photography  Notem Stationary
Alona Vibe  Notem Stationary


The excuse reminded me of dreams. How they are often the beginning of something. How they can completely take over ones life when we dare to act upon them. How fear of failing in the process can be very present. And how the sensation of realizing a dream is greater than the most. Moving.

How we all have dreams. Some are still hesitant and contemplating. Some have reached a turning point and sprung into the crazy ride. Family, friend, aquaintance or stranger. Little is as great as celebrating dreams coming true. This morning was such a day. Congratulations on making NOTEM studio a reality.


Alona Vibe  Notem Stationary
Alona Vibe  Notem Stationary

Signe Birkvig, founder of NOTEM studio.

Alona Vibe photography Notem Stationary