Inspired by the ocean

In collaboration with AKVA Jewellery

Alona vibe photographer akva jewellery

Growing up on the country side not too far from ocean and with a pair of parents who’ve made their children spent countless hours by the sea, I’ve developed a great appreciation of, if not addiction to, being near the ocean. I’ve always felt happier and more in balance after a day near the water. Thus, at this point in time where plastic pollution and climate change is so very present, I feel scared and emotional just thinking about our oceans and how we are treating them directly and indirectly through our consumption.

My parents always made sure that we left the beach in a better shape than how we found it - always collecting our own and other’s trash. Having never known of anything else but a responsible behavior towards nature, the importance of caring for not just the ocean, but all nature, was definitely imprinted in my early childhood and I’m so very thankful for this vital lesson.

Alona Vibe photographer AKVA jewellery
alona vibe photographer akva jewellery

Now, living on my 8th year in Copenhagen seeing more concrete than water and on my 28th year in life, I’ve noticed that reflections on future living - particularly how and where it should unfold - are more and more present. While there are many doubts and things to settle upon one was certain from the very beginning; life cannot unfold too far from the ocean. A clean ocean.

Alona Vibe photographer AKVA jewellery
Alona Vibe photographer AKVA jewellery
Alona Vibe photographer AKVA jewellery

Therefore, it felt like a very authentic match when AKVA Jewellery approached about a potential collaboration. I instantly fell in love with the elegant and organic design of their pieces that takes its main inspiration from the ocean and oceanic life. Through their pieces, AKVA seeks to increase awareness about the beauty and the importance of the ocean to the world’s eco-system and to spread the message that we have to take better care of it.

alona vibe photographer akva jewellery

A extremely beautiful design and an equally important message, that I stand by with every inch of me and I want to help spreading through my platform(s).


alona vibe akva jewellery

silver jewellery AKVA bathing suit VINTAGE white shirt NORSE PROJECTS